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What is the Place of the Tiger in Feng Shui

May 28, 2021 5 min read

what is the place of the tiger in feng shui

In ancient times, the Tiger was revered as the King of wild animals. He was also considered the emperor of the beasts. The great beast had a reputation for rampaging through villages, killing and feasting on livestock and farm animals.

For this reason, rituals were often organized, during which sacrifices were performed. This was done to repel the Tigers, hoping that the striped beast would stop terrorizing the villagers and leave them in peace.

The fear of the Tiger became so widespread that for a while, no one dared to speak of it or even mention its name. That is why he was given the nickname Prince of the Chinese Empire. The Tiger was the true King of the Mountains, who watches over the valley.

But the Tiger's ferocity also gave it the reputation of being a creature associated with Yang, or power. The White Tiger is associated with Yinto balance it all, therefore with serenity. Today, Tiger-Universe has decided to tell you about the spiritual strength that the Tiger can bring to your life.

The History of the Tiger

1) The image in Feng Shui

red image of a tiger

The Tiger is a powerful emblem of courage, bravery, and valor. These characteristics have contributed to its legendary image. The Chinese used to draw this ferocious beast on their front doors to ward off evil.

The image of the beast was so powerful that it became a tradition to design shoes and hats with a tiger's head. This was all to protect children from the forces of evil. Some parents even wrote the word 王(king) on their children's foreheads, resembling the stripes on a tiger's head.

During Duan Wu Jie, the Dragon Boat Festival leaves in the shape of a Tiger are woven to ward off evil spirits. Parents can also make tiger-shaped pillows and blankets for their children during this festival.

2) Tiger legends

angry tiger

In old tales, tigers respect authority, despite the fiery instinct in them. The most famous tiger story is a scene from the classic novel "Outlaws of the Swamp," where Wu Song, the main character, fought a majestic tiger to death. This part of the story is known as Wu Song Da Hu.

In military protocols, to deploy soldiers for war, a statue in the shape of a Tiger is cut in half. One half is guarded by the emperor, and the other by the army commander. The troops can only reach their full capacity if both halves are used. It's as if two holy powers have merged and triumphed in war. Some gods are often represented with Tigers. The best known is the God of Medicine.

This God and the Tiger became an inseparable duo is a rather strange story. The Tiger is said to have eaten a woman, but the woman's hairpin got stuck in his throat. He then begged the God of Medicine to help him, promising never to hurt people again. God then removed the hairpin, and the Tiger has followed him everywhere since. This is also why temples built to worship God often have statues and stone sculptures of Tigers.

As you can see, the Tiger appears in numerous ancient Chinese cultural references. It is impossible to list them all here. So we will move on to the impact the Tiger has on Feng Shui.

The Feline through Feng Shui


While in Chinese culture, the Tiger is best known for being one of the zodiac signs. In Feng Shui, the great beast represents the White Tiger of Earth Yin. To put this into practice, the image of this white emperor should be facing east.

The Tiger hates noise but is not afraid of smells. This is why it is often suggested to place it on the right side of the toilet. In paintings, calm Tigers are often depicted with other Feng Shui objects. This almost always indicates that the animal is guarding its symbolism, giving it the confidence to carry out its duties.

One way to create good feng shui is to place a tiger statue in your home or office. The tiger is a powerful symbol of strength, courage, and protection. It is also associated with good luck and abundance.

Since the Tiger zodiac sign is associated with the northeast direction, figurines or sculptures can also be placed in this area of the house. According to their animal in the zodiac, people with the horses' signs and the dog should have them in their home because the Tiger is their ally.

The same can be said of the Pig sign, as they are secret friends. The Tiger is also associated with the element of wood, so whatever you do, avoid placing them in metal areas.

The opposition between the Tiger and the Dragon

1) The Tiger and the Dragon: the incarnation of Yin and Yang!

yin yang of tiger and dragon

The Yin and Yang of the Dragon-Tiger are among the many variations of the introductory symbol in the Feng Shui spirit. It is essential to know the meaning and symbolism of the Tiger and Dragon to be in harmony with the Chi energy (natural energy) of Yin and Yang.

Let us first understand the meaning of this symbol, reflecting the balance of the elements. Yin and Yang is the foundation of Feng Shui, the art of maintaining the balance of Chi energy (life force, energy flow) in and around us. It is a symbol of Chinese philosophy that shows that the world is made of opposing forces that complement, interconnect, and are interdependent. In being female and Yang being male, these two forces are men and women.

The general qualities of yin are:

  • Darkness
  • Moon
  • Feminine
  • Rest
  • West

The general qualities of Yang are :

  • Light
  • Masculine
  • Activity
  • East
  • The sky
  • Energy

People use Feng Shui to balance the energies in their homes. It is said to bring wealth, health, and prosperity. Yin is the passive energy of relaxation; it is in everything that makes you calm, that relaxes you. Yang is the active energy; it is in anything that keeps you on your toes, like bright colors and vibrant music. These two energies, active and passive, form a whole. They cannot exist separately because they are the reason for each other's existence.

2) Symbolism of the two monsters in Feng Shui

tiger with monsters

Many studies consider the Feng Shui Dragon to be an auspicious animal, inspiring prosperity and activity. At the same time, the Tiger is regarded as a vicious and harmful animal, which is feared and revered. The Chinese also believe that if you see a white Tiger walking around, it is considered unlucky.

According to legend, a certain Tiger changed his coat after 500 years and became white. That's why they call the west side of a house or building the "White Tiger." Feng Shui experts often use East (Dragon) and West (Tiger) to talk about Qi improvement or Feng Shui cures.

In Feng Shui, the green Dragon side of your house represents the power of the male, and the white Tiger side represents the power of the female. If the Tiger side is more important than the Dragon side, then the female has more influence and control over the family.

In summary: Tap into the power.

Tap into the Yin-yang energy of the Tiger and Dragon in your life with paintings or pictures, jewelry, sculptures, or other figurative art. Introduce Feng Shui into your landscape to highlight Tiger and Dragon power aspects around your home.

The mythical and legendary creatures are both magical and majestic. Let this energy permeate your environment, attracting a more positive Chi and balancing all the forces of light and dark around you. The Tiger possesses and embodies the wise power that will soothe your home!

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