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How much does a Tiger Eat?

May 28, 2021 6 min read

How much does a Tiger Eat

How much does a Tiger Eat? How much meat does it eat? What does the Tiger eat? Does it have an impact on the environment? If you have already asked yourself at least one of these questions, you are at the right place.

Reference of the Tiger in the world, Tiger-Universe, explains to you in the smallest details all that concern the preys and the feline's food.

Tigers need a lot of food to sustain their energy-intensive lifestyle. They can consume up to 75 pounds (34 kilograms) of food in one night in the wild.

In this article, you will discover the entire list of animals that make up the meal of the feline. But above all, how often he eats.

If you want to learn more about tigers, including their weight, make sure to check out How much does a tiger weigh!

Let's get started! 🐯

What do tigers eat?

Tigers are carnivorous animals and their diet consists mainly of large ungulates, such as deer and wild boar. They are also known to prey on smaller mammals, such as monkeys, and have been known to take down larger prey like buffalo and sloth bears.

In addition to hunting wild animals, tigers may also feed on domestic animals like cattle and goats when they are found in close proximity to human settlements. This can sometimes lead to conflicts between tigers and humans, as they may attack livestock or even humans in search of food.

One interesting fact about tigers is that they are skilled swimmers and are known to hunt in water. They are capable of swimming long distances and have been observed taking down prey like crocodiles while in the water.

Overall, tigers have a varied diet and are adaptable hunters, which allows them to thrive in a variety of environments.


How often do tigers eat?

Tigers typically hunt and eat about once a week. They rely on their strength and stealth to take down their prey, often using their striped coats to blend into their surroundings and ambush their targets.

Tigers have excellent eyesight and hearing, which they use to locate and identify prey. They are patient hunters, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike and using their powerful legs to pounce and take down their prey.

Once a tiger has made a kill, they will often consume as much as 75 pounds (34 kilograms) of meat in one night. This is necessary to fuel their large and powerful bodies, which require a lot of energy to maintain.

Overall, tigers are efficient hunters that rely on their natural instincts and physical abilities to catch and consume their prey. Their hunting habits have allowed them to thrive in a variety of environments, from dense forests to open grasslands.

What do tigers eat in captivity?

Tigers in captivity are typically fed a diet that is different from what they would eat in the wild. In zoos and other captive environments, tigers are usually fed ground beef, which is supplemented with enrichment items like knucklebones or cow femurs to exercise their jaws and keep their teeth healthy.

Anyway, tigers usually eat ground beef. 🥩 They also have bones several times a week to work their jaws. Unfortunately, we cannot attest that this menu is applied in all zoos.

It's important to note that tigers in captivity may have different dietary needs than their wild counterparts. In the wild, tigers eat a varied diet that includes a range of different prey species, which provides them with the nutrients and minerals they need to survive.

However, in captivity, it can be more challenging to replicate this natural diet, and some zoos may supplement the tigers' diets with additional vitamins and minerals.

Despite the differences in their diets, tigers in captivity still require a diet that is high in protein and other essential nutrients. Providing them with a balanced diet and enrichment items can help to ensure that they remain healthy and happy in their captive environments.

Tigers at the zoo, unlike their wild comrades, have the chance to eat every day. This is impossible for a tiger in the wild. They would not have the strength to do so; the fauna would be even more disturbed. The scarcity of prey would not help either.

Afterward, sometimes scandals break out, such as cases where some zoos are provided with the remains of slaughterhouses. It happened that tigers received pig heads, horses, etc. . There was even a zoo in China that sent a live donkey into the tiger enclosure (video below. Beware the images may be shocking for some people!).

How much does a Tiger Eat: The diet of the tiger

resting tiger

First of all, the tiger (and all other tigers too) is a carnivore! In case you don't know! It can eat some berries and other plants, but only to help it digest. Although they are more challenging for the animal to catch, the tiger prefers to hunt large animals, containing more meat allowing them to last several days or more than a week.

Tigers are large and powerful animals that require a significant amount of food to sustain their bodies. In the wild, tigers may consume up to 75 pounds (34 kilograms) of food 🍖 in one night, which is necessary to fuel their energy-intensive lifestyle.

Tigers need to eat a lot of food because they have a high metabolism and require a lot of energy to maintain their large bodies. In the wild, they primarily hunt large ungulates like deer and wild boar, but they are also known to consume a range of other prey species, including monkeys, buffalo, sloth bears, leopards, and even crocodiles.

More precisely, among its large preys, we find :

  • Cattle such as the Gaur, the Takin, the Water Buffalo, or the Nilgaut antelope 🐃
  • Deer such as the Sambar, the Axis, or the Duvaucel deer
  • Capricornis, the equivalent of our chamois in Asia
  • Antelopes

They generally avoid elephants, much too big for them. On the other hand, they can attack baby elephants. When these large animals become scarce, the Bengal tiger then rushes to the medium prey;

Among the medium prey, we can find :

  • Small deer such as the pigmy deer or the Muntjac 🦌
  • Wild boars
  • Monkeys such as langurs, a species of monkey common in India

Finally, if the large and medium prey runs out, the tiger is forced to repatriate on small game, which gives him much less meat at once 😔 ;

Small Prey:

  • Hares
  • Porcupines, which are rather dangerous for the tiger
  • Rhesus Macaques 🙊
  • Blue Peacocks

What do the Bengal Tiger and the Siberian Tiger eat?

To know more precisely the food of the fawn, it seemed apparent to us to separate them into two categories 🐅 Indeed, the Siberian tiger is the most imposing of his colleagues.

The Bengal tiger has an intermediate size. The latter represents other smaller individuals such as the Sumatran tiger, Malaysian tiger, etc. They do not live in the same environment either, although they have some similarities. Let's see it in more detail!

The feeding of the Siberian Tiger

siberian tiger

The Siberian tiger lives in a territory far from its Asian brethren; it must face a much colder and hostile environment. Its diet is quite similar to that of the Bengal tiger but species-specific to its territory.

Its main preys are ;

  • Deer such as the Sika deer and the Siberian musk deer
  • The Siberian deer
  • Wild boars 🐗
  • The Long-tailed Goral, a Bovid from Siberia and the mountains of Asia
  • The Elk
  • The Manchurian Elk of China

The Siberian Tiger sometimes also attacks brown and Asiatic bears or even the lip bear. In the case of the brown bear, the tiger finds it easy to hunt because the animal tends to hang out in open areas. Finally, it remains somewhat rare. Bears only make up about 5-8% of the feline's annual diet on average. 🐻

When large prey is missing, the Siberian tiger also has its species of small animals to devour, such as salmon or other fish and hares and rabbits.




How many Teeth does a Tiger have?

How much does a Tiger Eat: tigers teeth

The Tiger has 30 teeth, including two canines of about 7.5 cm. Weapons that can not be more carnivorous and terrifying! And it needs them to finish its victims and tear off the flesh of the latter. Without it, the Tiger could not last long in the wild.

What is the impact of the Tiger on the ecology?

two tigers

The Tiger allows the regulation of herbivore species to avoid overpopulation. Unfortunately, due to many factors such as poaching, deforestation, and pollution, the number of prey decreases year after year, and the territory of the feline. The Tiger itself is directly threatened. 🌏

Does the Tiger eat the Leopard?

A fascinating question! We had omitted it in the prey lists previously to tell you about it now. Yes, the Tiger eats leopards! Sometimes! But usually, the Tiger does not eat other cats. Since they covet the same prey, they can come into conflict. More oversized and more robust than the Leopard, the Tiger wins by default. But this situation remains very rare because the Leopard is faster and can easily climb trees. 🙀

Yes, you will have understood, the Tiger can eat just about any animal. The scarcity of species can lead him to eat animals that he does not normally eat, as in the Leopard case. However, you now know all the prey of the Tiger. The feeding of the feline has no more secrets for you.

Now you know everything about How much does a Tiger Eat!

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